Selasa, 20 Desember 2016

Should Kids Fat Diet?

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Should Kids Fat Diet?
           Child overweight and plump does look adorable. But from the medical side of children with overweight, let alone obese should be wary. Obesity in children in the long term can lead to illness such as increased cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease. Excess body weight that occurs in childhood, if not controlled can also be carried on until the children are adults. However, obese children are advised not to go on a diet. Children are still in a phase of growth and development. Therefore children do not need to diet but accustomed to have a healthy diet while increased physical activity, said dr.Fiastuti Witjaksono, Sp.GK, a nutritionist from the Faculty of medicine / RSCM on the sidelines of a discussion on nutrition conducted by Mead Johnson in Jakarta, last week. Foods containing high sugar and fried foods are foods that should be limited. The main meal but the food was still sweet and fried-fried is limited, he said. By setting the diet, the child's weight will not be reduced but the proportion of the child's body can be balanced due to his height is still growing. Because they are still growing tall, his body is more balanced with the amount of weight the same, he added.

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